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These values underpin everything we do. Sometimes they are obvious, other times less so. We believe they should be public partly to hold us to account and partly in the hope that when you join us for adventures you can buy into them too.


Integrity. We do what we say we will do.

Inclusion. Everyone who wants to should have access to meaningful adventure.

Excellence. We are well qualified and refresh our skills regularly. We work alongside other providers to share ideas and challenge our thinking. We actively seek feedback and use it to improve.

Safety. We work in dynamic environments that require good judgement, flexibility and humility. We will make sound decisions based on knowledge, experience and what is happening in front of us. We work to ensure physical and emotional safety.


Treading lightly. We are proactive about minimising our impact and encourage guests to join us in that. We use resources wisely, travel responsibly, support local businesses and choose Fairtrade wherever that’s an option.


Play. We learn best when we're having fun. Play is serious business! 


Curiosity. We ask questions. We learn. We challenge ourselves and try new things. We give ourselves permission to fail. We aim to ignite your curiosity too.



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