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There is something incredibly special about moving through a landscape under your own power, for an extended or interruption free length of time. It can be hard work, but we want it to be a joy not a slog. We pack light but comfortable, enjoy good real food and build in plenty of time to explore and connect with place and people. 

Open journeys

We offer a number of led jouneys on lochs and rivers in some of Scotland's finest locations. 


Years of practise watching conditions means we know which rivers will be running and where will have just the right amount of wind to have a great day out.









Travelling on the water with everything you need in your boat lets you acsess some incredible places. Scotland offers some world class multi-day journeys suitbale for all levels.


We have a few open booking expeditions. Most are bespoke bookings though, so that we can tailor your journey to be exactly as you want.


It could be a night on a secret island, a paddle and munro mission, or a classic such as the Great Glen or Rannoch Moor crossing.


Whatever your expedition dreams look like, we'd consider it a privilige to play a part in making it happen.

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